
2013 Tax Law Changes

The recently enacted 2012 American Taxpayer Relief Act is a sweeping tax package that includes, among many other items, permanent extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for most taxpayers, revised tax rates on ordinary and capital gain income for high-income individuals, modification of the estate tax, permanent relief from the AMT for individual taxpayers, limits on the deductions and exemptions of high-income individuals, and a host of retroactively extended tax breaks for individual and businesses. For a look at the key elements of the package, Read more…

Estate Planning Review

A quick review of the major laws and tax rule changes affecting estate plans made during the last decade. As you review this article consider whether your current plan may be affected by these changes. Read more…

Medical Assistance Summary

Medical Assistance Summary for Nursing Home Care
Summary of Basic Eligibility Rules as of February 2010 Read more…